Welcome to a brand new decade of your life! Welcome to the 20’s. These next ten years are going to be the prime years of your time. Within these next 10 years, I hope that you go out and accomplish all of the wonderful things that you are dreaming of now. I hope that you make all of your different Pinterest boards come to life.

You are a big dreamer, you always have a been a big dreamer. Remember that. Remember that you can go out and make huge, wonderful, amazing goals and you can chase after them. Remember that the limits you create are only the limits that you’re holding yourself back with.

I hope that you are happy. I hope that where ever you may be with your life right now there are multiple points of happiness. I hope that you are successful. I hope that you find yourself taking pride in who you are, and what you are doing with your life currently.

I hope that you have a destination and you’re always moving forward. 

Accomplish these things before you turn 21.

1. Make it to Italy. Just do it. You have to. I know it has been a dream of yours for years now. Go, do it, explore, meet people, learn, devour the culture, eat the amazing food, take the pictures, be spectacular. Do it now while you are 20. 

2. Get something published. Go and find a way to get yourself out there. Submit, submit, submit your work throughout the course of this year. Don’t be afraid of continuously trying and even if you get rejected, it doesn’t hurt to put yourself out there. You can network and work your way towards your bigger goals this way. 

3. Don’t let go of your blog. Keep your blog for your memories. Hang on to it so you can have a documentation of your feelings and how you work through your life. Remember that it is an awesome outlet for you. Remember how much you love expressing how you feel. You’ll want to look back and read it when your 30. Trust me. 

4. Take another photography class before you graduate. Please do. You absolutely loved Film Photography and it truly is a passion of yours that you need to explore more. Allow yourself the opportunity to learn and gain experience while you can. 

5. Get your own place! It’s time for you to move away from home. Find an apartment, get roommates, move forward with your life onto the next big thing. This is a big step, but I know you’re ready for it and you’re excited about it. 

6. Find another scholarship opportunity. The money is waiting for you there, you just have to put forth the time within your busy schedule and take advantage of the opportunity. You can do it again, I believe in you. 

7. Stay on Dean’s List. You did it one year strong, you can make it another. Maintain your Dean’s List status all the way until graduation. You’re smart, you’re intelligent, and you’re more than determined to do it. 

8. Volunteer more! Find an organization that you are passionate about and get involved volunteering. Discover this side of you that you might not know about and give back to the community. 

9. Start your retirement fund. WHAT? A retirement fund? Before you pay off your student loans? Yes, do it. Take $20 out of every paycheck you earn and put it in a new savings account. 

Don’t forget just how beautiful, determined, and overall AWESOME you are. You’re going to rock your 20’s. I know it.
