So currently, here I am, back in my hometown (I’ll explain) blogging to you about this “event’ that happened to me last night.

Well, you see, I recently started a new job working as a host at a restaurant and ya know, doing typical host duties, such as answering phones, seating guests, doing random checkup’s throughout the restaurant, and basically being the first face that everyone sees when they walk in.

So, this entire week, I have felt absolutely awful. I haven’t been sick since BACK when I was in high school and that was when I had swine flu (EW). I came down with some weird sinus infection (as I’ve self diagnosed myself) in hand with a sore throat (possibly could be strep? taking a wild guess here). So, silly oh silly me, decided that I would be perfectly fine to go into work just with a tylenol and some throat drops to try and attempt to work my 7 hour shift for the evening.

Little did I know….

I truly, really did feel fine. I mean, my definition of fine. I was able to walk and talk to people as I have been doing all week with my classes and my friends on my floor, I seemed what was okay- just short of a lost voice and a little bit of congestion- other than that nobody would really know how awful I was feeling on the inside, and I suppose I didn’t even know either.

So, I drive all the way to work, feeling fine, get out of my car, walk into the restaurant, get changed into my uniform, come back up to the host stand, and start making conversation with a few of my other staff members.

Then it all hit me.

20 minutes into my shift I was overwhelmed with this heat wave. I literally felt like I was on fire. I was sweating profusely out of every pore in my body (so what it felt like), to the point where I was just so overheated and so overwhelmed that my head started spinning. And once my head started spinning, I knew it was game over for me.

Everything started spinning and I became dizzier and dizzier by the second until I knew that if I didn’t run to go sit down, that I was going to pass out.

Next thing I knew I was seeing stars.

So, I raced to the first available booth that was open and I just went and sat down and literally knew that the moment I stood up it was over. I called my manager over, we sat, we talked about it, and she got me a glass of water to help.

I knew at that moment I just needed to leave work and take care of myself and just truly rest because my body was pushed way to far to its limit. I told them I couldn’t possibly stay, which I felt terrible about since I gave up my shifts for the weekend, and I called my Mom for help.

So here I am, back all the way at my hometown that way my family can cook me deliciously nutrious food and I can sit and lounge in peace and rest until I have to go to my doctor’s appointment to get the antibiotics that’ll really heal me.

It has been really wonderful eating something other than soup for once this week. But always remember to take your health into your own hands no matter the situation and that you can only do as much as you think you can do.




I recently just got my list of 10 things I hate about doing laundry in college published on The Odyssey! Check it out- I had a blast coming up with all of these things that have ACTUALLY happened to me on multiple occasions! And if you like it or can relate to it, share it with your college friends as well!





I apologize I haven’t posted in quite some time. The past few weeks leading up to coming back to GMU have been incredibly busy for me. Between moving in, starting a brand new job, and just getting adjusted to an entirely new schedule I have barely had a moment for myself to sit down.

So here I am. Sitting outside one of the academic buildings and there are probably about 4,000 people right in my viewpoint within a matter of feet away from me all rushing in different directions, but I am stuck here, sitting writing, releasing all of my current frustrations and problems into this wonderful little blog post before I run into my next class. Hopefully, by the time I finish writing this I will feel a lot better.

So hi everyone. I’m broke. As of this morning from buying my last round of college textbooks I am officially broke. I can not even afford groceries for the upcoming week. How am I supposed to eat? I can not put gas in my car. How am I supposed to get to work? I feel so incredibly limited and I absolutely hate the feeling of not feeling secure.

Like I said earlier, I started a new job. A brand new job, with an entire training period, and reduced pay for training. (That’s its own new story in it’s own). Even though I am almost done with my training, I have yet to receive that training paycheck. I don’t receive that for a little more than a week.

So for the first time in awhile, I reached out to my parents. And said, help.

I have never and barely have ever asked my parents for help when it comes to money. I love the independent feeling of being in charge of my money, earning it, saving it, working towards something, and just feeling in an all around sense, empowered with my own money. Of course, they always absolutely have my back and were more than willing to be there for me, of course of course of course! And, for that I am forever grateful.

I pay for my college tuition. Through the works of financial aid, grants, scholarships, and essentially working my ass off, I figure it out and I get it done. That’s kinda my motto. I’ll figure it out. I always do. It has all been in my name. And I’m entirely proud of that. I am so incredibly proud of the fact that at 19 years old I have made it through three semesters of college and have figured it out without taking out a single private loan (yet).

So yes, I added a new job this year to take on. I work two other jobs beyond that as well. One of them is not paid and is a writing opportunity which I personally enjoy, the other is a minimum wage job just on campus which I got last year, and the new one is going to give me a lot of ground in the sense of being stable with money and be my main focus.

So as of today, I am a full time college student and I will also work 20-30 hours a week beyond that. Do you know how stressful that sounds? Because I am so stressed just thinking of the thought of what it is all going to be like. I’m just wondering when I am going to sleep and how I am going to make it work. Will I become a coffee addict? Will I have to pull continuous all nighters? I haven’t even touched on my sorority schedule yet as well mixed into all that, when I’ll eat, when I’ll workout, absolutely anything and everything.

As far as school work comes, I am a perfectionist. Absolutely a perfectionist with all of my work. It must be perfect and I will do everything and everything for it to be perfect prior to submitting any assignment. With that being said, I would sacrifice anything for good grades. Sleep. A meal. You name it.

So, with being a perfectionist as well as someone who is entirely independent when it comes to money, I know I will be okay. I absolutely know, and say, and tell myself you know everything is okay. I’m going to take the next couple weeks as I struggle a bit to find my foot placement as a learning experience. So, BIG DEEP BREATH- Ashley you can do it.

You’re a college student. College students are supposed to be broke. It doesn’t mean you can’t still be happy.


For anyone else who is feeling the same feelings or emotions or stressors caused by money, just know you aren’t alone. Other people are in your same shoes and know what it’s like to crunch into a time to just make it through okay.

At least, I do.

I’m going to get back to jumping in and getting to know all the new people today. Which, makes me very excited and happy. Plus, I love being back here at college. I’ll post about my classes and professors and experiences later this week. For now though, don’t let one thing overwhelm your entire day. Just remember it is a piece of you, and not all of you.



Often times I wonder if people realize the significance and importance behind a “Throw What You Know”. A Throw What You Know means much more to me than than the Instagram likes, the followers, or the cool pictures. To me, it represents everything my sorority, Chi Omega, stands for. It represents our values, our mottos, our expectations, and everything we live by. It makes me take significant pride in being a sister.

The meaning is much deeper than it appears, and it is something so great you couldn’t possibly understand unless you were apart of it. A Throw What You Know represents a few of the following things to me:

1. Success. Not only the success of myself, but the success of my sisters within my chapter and nationally who are Chi Omega. The success of our scholarship, community service, sisterhood, philanthropy, and friendship in years past and many more years to come.

2. Pride. I have never contained more pride for an organization EVER in my life than I have with Chi Omega. I have experienced the importance in the value of sisterhood. Simply being a little sister brings me so much pride, as well as being a sister to 100+ women in my chapter.

3. Courage. Be brave, be bold, and don’t be afraid to follow your dreams. Chi Omega’s around the world throw what they know and it is such an inspiration to me. I’m inspired that these woman worldwide travel and chase after their dreams and bring their throw what they know with them. It only pushes me further to follow mine.

Always remember the true meaning behind your letters and it’s importance to you.




From time to time, we all have the occasionally “bad day”. It’s the day where the world just seems to have all the wrong cards played out for you and there is just nothing you can do about it. It is the point of which there is no return where you just have to throw in the towel. On these days, I typically wish they would just end so I could crawl into bed and start over the next day.

Well, along with many things that happened on my particularly bad day today, it started from me accidentally super gluing my two fingers together when I was trying to help repair one of the little kid’s (that I nanny) toys. Like, who does that? Welcome to the reality of my life.

Let me tell you. IT HURT SO BAD. I’m not one to have much of a high pain tolerance, so this was extremely painful as I somehow managed to disconnect my thumb from pointer finger from each other. Amongst many other things, these are a few of the things that I do to remedy a bad day.

1. Eat LOTS of ice cream. As I always say, ice cream heals all wounds. Seriously, it does. If you have a sweet tooth like me it always helps. I happened to go out and get frozen yogurt twice today. You betcha I had those brownie and cheesecake bite toppings.

2. Dance it out. Put on your favorite song, blast it, and just sing/dance it out as hard as you can. It is a great stress reliever and at the end of the song, you will end up feeling so much better. Don’t have a worry in the world. 

3. Re-read old text messages. This is one of my favorite things to do. I love screen shotting old text messages that made me smile, feel good inside, or just left me feeling happy. Going back and re-reading these will bring back good memories.

4. Go out in the sunshine. I absolutely love being out in the sun. It always makes my body & mind feel so clear and fresh. Getting some extra Vitamin D helps clear my head of anything that might be bothering me.

5. Retail therapy. This probably is one of my favorites. I adore finding something new to add into my life, especially when it comes to crafting/decorating for something (my future little). I love love love buying things, especially for others. It brings me a lot of joy.

Welp. I hope some of these tips/tricks that I currently use in my life could help you all out if you happen to come across a bad day. Let me know anything that you do to help remedy your bad days in the comments below!




Welcome to a brand new decade of your life! Welcome to the 20’s. These next ten years are going to be the prime years of your time. Within these next 10 years, I hope that you go out and accomplish all of the wonderful things that you are dreaming of now. I hope that you make all of your different Pinterest boards come to life.

You are a big dreamer, you always have a been a big dreamer. Remember that. Remember that you can go out and make huge, wonderful, amazing goals and you can chase after them. Remember that the limits you create are only the limits that you’re holding yourself back with.

I hope that you are happy. I hope that where ever you may be with your life right now there are multiple points of happiness. I hope that you are successful. I hope that you find yourself taking pride in who you are, and what you are doing with your life currently.

I hope that you have a destination and you’re always moving forward. 

Accomplish these things before you turn 21.

1. Make it to Italy. Just do it. You have to. I know it has been a dream of yours for years now. Go, do it, explore, meet people, learn, devour the culture, eat the amazing food, take the pictures, be spectacular. Do it now while you are 20. 

2. Get something published. Go and find a way to get yourself out there. Submit, submit, submit your work throughout the course of this year. Don’t be afraid of continuously trying and even if you get rejected, it doesn’t hurt to put yourself out there. You can network and work your way towards your bigger goals this way. 

3. Don’t let go of your blog. Keep your blog for your memories. Hang on to it so you can have a documentation of your feelings and how you work through your life. Remember that it is an awesome outlet for you. Remember how much you love expressing how you feel. You’ll want to look back and read it when your 30. Trust me. 

4. Take another photography class before you graduate. Please do. You absolutely loved Film Photography and it truly is a passion of yours that you need to explore more. Allow yourself the opportunity to learn and gain experience while you can. 

5. Get your own place! It’s time for you to move away from home. Find an apartment, get roommates, move forward with your life onto the next big thing. This is a big step, but I know you’re ready for it and you’re excited about it. 

6. Find another scholarship opportunity. The money is waiting for you there, you just have to put forth the time within your busy schedule and take advantage of the opportunity. You can do it again, I believe in you. 

7. Stay on Dean’s List. You did it one year strong, you can make it another. Maintain your Dean’s List status all the way until graduation. You’re smart, you’re intelligent, and you’re more than determined to do it. 

8. Volunteer more! Find an organization that you are passionate about and get involved volunteering. Discover this side of you that you might not know about and give back to the community. 

9. Start your retirement fund. WHAT? A retirement fund? Before you pay off your student loans? Yes, do it. Take $20 out of every paycheck you earn and put it in a new savings account. 

Don’t forget just how beautiful, determined, and overall AWESOME you are. You’re going to rock your 20’s. I know it.




Most of us can relate to the difference in lifestyle you have from when you are on campus throughout the semester in comparison to when you are not on campus. Personally, I love being on campus all the time. I love the feeling of being jam-packed with a schedule that is never ending and always moving. That’s my favorite. But hey, that’s just me.

As far as relationships go, this was my first relationship in which I was seriously 5 minutes away walking distance from him. Do you know how nice that is? It’s wonderful. To be able to see one another at any hour of the day/for however long? Or if you had a rough day having someone there to come over and talk to you? It’s pretty great.

You become adjusted day in and day out of having someone so close. Your relationship becomes entirely based off in person communication, which is the way it should be, and your texting/phone-calls fade away, because they aren’t necessary in that instance.

The only text I would really receive would be “Where are you?”. 

I absolutely loved it that way. Now, it is summer. Well, it has been summer for a while. Both of us are back in our hometowns, and even though they aren’t that far away from each other, I mean you can definitely visit within a day, it’s very different.

It’s different because we never had a “texting” relationship, it was never a thing for us, it was never established. So, we have always and probably will always be best at communicating in person, directly.

I’m the type of person who loves communication. I love, love, love talking to people and hearing about their day, and knowing how they’re doing, and just the little details of everything. To me, it’s fun. Especially in the summer time where I’m a nanny and I have most of my time open to be exploring social media and on my phone.

However, that isn’t the case with him. His job is a full time job that takes up his entire day. From the moment he wakes up, until the moment he gets off work and climbs into bed he is busy. He is incredibly hard working, motivated, and I am so proud of all the effort he puts into his summer to make money. Truly, I am.

I’m in a long distance (working) relationship. At least, that’s what I like to think of it as. 

It’s not a matter of that he doesn’t want to talk to me, or that he doesn’t think of me, or that he doesn’t want to be with me, it simply is that he is just TOO busy. He is constantly working.

But, I understand that. I completely do. Summer time is prime time for college students to be making money, in fact, that’s all you should really be doing. It is their priority and main focus. At the start, it was hard, and we had our disagreements/we had to work through it, but now I have to say I’m okay with it. I’m used to the short very brief conversation. I’ve become adjusted to it, and more focused on myself these past few months more than anything.

But I know that he loves me. I trust him. That’s how I get through it. 

That’s probably why it’s so easy for me to do so. A year ago, I would’ve never been able to do a long distance relationship where you barely spoke. It would have been too hard for me to do so.

I think that’s another reason why I truly love being with this particular person. He really teaches me how to understand things I wouldn’t have understood before. He opens my eyes up to a second perspective and overall I have become so much more understanding than I ever was before.

Summer is winding down though and before I know it we will be back on campus again near each other. I am so excited and can’t wait. When they say distance makes the heart grow fonder, they meant it.


My Freshman ROOMMATE Story (welcome to the hut)


Well, eep! I just finished my freshman year of college and I am about to begin my sophomore year. Sharing a space with someone you absolutely do not know can be challenging, but it also can be incredibly rewarding.

As you all may know from previous posts, I attend an in-state school, which is a huge advantage for me because of the reduced expenses, and the knowledge of knowing the area pretty well.

WELL… my freshman roommate was not from in state. In fact, her hometown was approximately 2,333 miles away in the glorious state of Utah. Before meeting her, I had never met anyone from the state of Utah. And in return, she had never seen so many trees before.

Blog… Meet Sav. 🙂 

Sav and I originally connected through the Facebook page that was created for our graduating class. Finding a roommate was comparable to a dating process. I would ask a series of interview questions, look through their pictures, try to get an idea of the type of the person they were through their social media. After talking 50+ girls and a month of searching, I found Sav. Some of the questions I asked her and I would encourage people to ask potential roommates would be:

1. Are you a messy/clean person? How often do you clean? How would you like the room to look? 

2. Do you smoke/drink? If so, how often do you typically go out? 

3. How do you feel about overnight guests? How long can they stay? 

4. What do you want to share? What don’t you want to share? 

5. What is your class schedule going to be like? 

6. What time do you go to sleep? What time do you wake up? 

7. Do you like to study with music on in the room? Do you like silence? 

8. Can you sleep with a light on? 

Her and I instantly connected from the get go. We both share the same major, Communications, with an interest in Journalism. We both had the same work ethic mentality, intentions to join a sorority, and we were both incredibly social people.

And this is where it all began. 

I could not have asked for a better roommate for my freshman year in college honestly, we had so much fun. From going through recruitment together, to having each other to come home to every night, her and I became each other’s family. Which is when we decided that the word “dorm” was not good or fitting enough for us.

This is when our dorm room became known as “the hut”. 

It had always been our joke to call it the hut because it was ridiculously small. We actually ended up receiving one of the SMALLEST double rooms on campus and so it was pretty tight. Throughout the course of the year, we rearranged our room multiple times to try to get the maximum space we could achieve.

Sav and I went through a lot over the course of two semesters. We grew to be so incredibly close that I considered to be like a sister to me. I told her absolutely everything, and she shared absolutely everything with me. We had an awesome relationship. Often times, people would comment on they thought we knew each other prior to college based on how well we got along.

She is incredible. She is very determined, smart, motivated, and incredibly hardworking individual with so much success all around her. I loved having a roommate that encouraged me and allowed me to encourage her and push her to be the best she could be.

As I always said to her, “We do not accept anything but A’s in the hut”. 

This really stuck with Sav. She would always get really excited if she received a phenomenal grade on an assignment in a class that was especially difficult for her. Same goes for me. We celebrated and acknowledge each other’s successes throughout the year. However, we were always there for each other to help through the downsides/hardships that came as well.

We both always took school very seriously, but we also acknowledged the fact that having “me time” and getting off campus or going to do something fun was always really important as well. We both made sure that the other person was always balanced, and we were always honest. We always made sure to tell the other person if something was wrong, or happening that might be upsetting.

ALWAYS be honest if anything is bothering you. It makes solving problems SO MUCH easier. 

A fantastic year grew into a wonderful, beautiful friendship between the two of us. The last day in the hut came sooner than either of us expected, move out day. It was incredibly difficult to leave, knowing how many memories were shared in those four walls.

Sav will now be living off campus for the upcoming year and I will be staying on campus, so we will not be living together again this year. But, I know that we will continue to maintain our friendship that was created. And as I always said to her, “Long live the Hut”.

Comment below any of your roommate experiences or questions you may have! I would love to hear them!




I was once “that” girl. Oh, you know, the girl that falls “in love” back in high school and finds herself dreaming endlessly about her future with this guy who you think is “everything”. You think you’ll go and stay together through college, potentially get married, basically spend the rest of your life with your “first love”. Yeah, that was me.

Well, we spent about two years together. Fantastic relationship, honestly, it was, we had great memories and we truly were that couple in high school that everyone wishes they were. You know, the high school sweethearts type. I was nuts about this guy.

I was so wrapped up in the relationship itself I did not even see it coming. The summer before college, we broke up. The idea of long distance and college ultimately made him feel very intimidated, nervous, scared, and overall he claims he just wasn’t happy with the relationship anymore. I did not even see it coming.

So, WAM! Heartbreak. What you didn’t expect to happen, well happens.

And I can say now, I am SO happy it did. It gave me a reality check.

Yes, I mean, heartbreak is painful. It hurt, it sucks, you spend days in and out crying, it takes time to heal your wounded heart. Honestly it does. Some people spend days, weeks, months, and even years getting over someone.

That wasn’t the case with me. 

After spending two years with someone, you kind of forget how to “date”. You don’t really realize the whole dating experience, and meeting people, you just became so adjusted with what was comfortable with that particular person.

Since it was summer time, I spent a lot of my time going and hanging out with my friends, staying out and busy and occupied and just trying giving myself a chance to really get to know me.

It was a learning experience, at least that’s how I took it to be. 

I would encourage people to do that. When you go through a heart break, truly take the time to reflect on your own life. Reflect on the relationship. Keep an open mind, and really realize what happened and what you would have wanted to change and done differently. It gives you an opportunity to know more about who you are as a person and the type of characteristics you really would love to have in someone.

Three weeks later I met my second love. 

Wow, three weeks. Someone has got to say, fast? Oh, incredibly. So fast paced you didn’t see it coming. That was the best part. It was all so incredibly (and still is) SPONTANEOUS. I love it so much I can’t get enough of it.

End of July last year. We went on our first date. Well, we didn’t decide to call it our first date until after it was over. We originally went with the intentions of meeting each other in person to become friends since we lived in the same area and would be going to the same college in just a few weeks. (We were friends on social media).

Like hey, YES, Ash, go make friends. That’s what you’re good at. That’s what you like to do. That was my intention.

So, this guy, invites me to dinner to talk. I drive all the way out to his town to meet him. The moment I stepped out of my car and saw him leaning up against the column of the restaurant smiling, before I even said a single word, I just knew. I already knew what was about to happen before it even happened.

And I thought to myself, Oh shit. 

The date was flawless. Absolutely perfect and everything you could possibly imagine. I felt 110% completely like myself throughout the entire thing. He was gorgeous, smart, funny, charming, all around he had the perfect personality. It was so comfortable, casual, just truly exactly what I could have hoped for and wanted. The conversation flowed so perfectly. Yet, it was all new. I had no idea what to expect.

So… this is where I began to learn about myself.

1. Don’t Set Time Limits. 

You do not want to give yourself an expectation of the duration of a relationship, honestly don’t. I began to really emphasize and “go with the flow” motto with everything. I could not be happier that I do. We both agreed on the mindset that if we are both happy, and things are great, we stay together. The day it changes, well we go our separate ways.

2. Don’t Have Expectations. 

Don’t be bought by money. Don’t don’t don’t don’t. Don’t expect things in a relationship just because of a time limit of how long you’ve been together, or a holiday. Don’t expect that you are deserving of a incredibly expensive ridiculous gift or date. That isn’t FUN. It isn’t romantic, well in my opinion it isn’t. Relationships are so much more fun when they are simple. Let the romance play out spontaneously. Allow yourself to be surprised.

3. He is Not Your Everything, He is Only a Piece of You. 

Remember that he does not define you. Remember that you are an individual with values, purpose, goals, aspirations, and a future. He is a piece of you, he can certainly shape you, open your mind, and be apart of your life. But he does NOT define you. You must be your own person before you can be with someone else. Their problems, their troubles, their discomforts are certainly not YOUR discomforts. You can be there for that person, but you are not responsible for their life.

Along with many more life realizations, those are three big things that stood out to me as I approached this “new found” romance that was developing.

I had no idea if this was just going to be a fun summer fling, a relationship, a friendship, I had no idea. So I did not set any expectation upon it.

Later that night, after I drove back to my hometown, he reached out to me to tell me just what a truly amazing time he had, and that he wanted to see me again. Very soon.

Over the course of the next week, we saw each other 4 or 5 times. He would drive out to my hometown, or I would drive out to his hometown. I like to say that we had such spectacular dates that a typical relationship would have experienced over the course of two months. We moved fast.

We connected so well. 

I was nervous. I’m not going to lie, I was super nervous at the time that the “good feeling” of just meeting someone was going to be swept away under my feet, that possibly I was moving too fast into things, or maybe that I should wait until I moved in to college to see if a relationship was what I really wanted right now.

Oh, no no no. That did not work for him. He wanted ME. 

So, he is very forward. He knows what he wants and he knows how he wants to get it. He’s honest, which I truly admire and adore about him. Which is why he said, “Be my girlfriend. Let’s make it official. I’m asking you the next time I see you”.

And that’s where it all began. August 4th, 2014.

He understands all my quirks, my crazy personality, and exactly how I am and he completely loves me throughout all of it. He has taught me so much about myself over the course of this past year, and our relationship is just as spontaneous and fun as it was the day we first met.

And I am crazy about him. But he is not my everything.

More stories to come.


The Journey of Finding my BIG Sister


Last October I experienced the rush of emotions brought to me by Big & Little “Clue Week”. For those of you who are not aware, Clue Week is an entire week where you are given a series of gifts that contain clues to try and help you guess who your big sister might be. Some of my clues included several painted canvases, wooden Chi Omega letters, and anything and everything with owls!


I mean, who wouldn’t love running around campus collecting clues and given all of the suspense of not knowing who it could be? I mean, I sure did. However, little did I know that becoming a little and gaining a big was much much much more impactful on my life than I could have ever imagine it being.

For starters, my big sister, Hannah, is by far my biggest fan in life. She is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS encouraging me and motivating me to be the best version of myself. She has become truly, my role model throughout everything. Hannah is perfect. Truly, if you ever met someone who just knew everything and anything on life it would be her. She knows exactly how to approach and handle any given situation that may come across her way.

A big and little relationship is so special. You will never experience anything like it that is comparable. A big sister is there to be a guide. You can believe it that she will be the best tour guide you’ve ever received. She is meant to help you, encourage you, support you, protect you (Hannah is VERY good at this one), and show you the ropes as you begin your sorority experience as a new member.

However, the relationship is definitely a two way street. At least, mine sure is. I’m there for Hannah exactly and equally as much as she is here for me. It is a special two way bond.

You will begin to create COUNTLESS memories with your big. The relationship you create with her is going to be unlike any other relationship you have with any of your other sorority sisters.
